Thursday, January 01, 2009

Selamat Datang

Kalau mampir kesini dari sekolah-sekolah yang kami kunjungi, silahkan menitip pesan disini

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pak Edi adalah guru yang berjasa dalam perkembangan Frisbee

Walaupun gajinya sebagai guru olahraga di sekolah tempat ia mengajar tidak sebanding dengan semangat dan kerja kerasnya, namun hal itu tidak membuat dia lelah dalam mengajarkan olahraga kepada murid-muridnya. Selaian pekerja keras ia seorang penyabar hal ini ia pernah buktikan ketika ia mencoba memperkenalkan frisbee disekolahnya yaitu SDN 011 Bukit Duri, pernah suatu hari pimpinan sekolahnya tidak mengizinkan dengan olahraga yang ia peragaan kepada murid-muridnya dalam hal ini frisbee, namun membuat ia tidak gentar hingga akhirnya pihak sekolahpun menyetujui niat baiknya itu yaitu memperkenalkan Frisbee. Menurut Pak edi, " Frisbee adalah olahraga yang tidak membosankan dan sangat menghibur terutama bagi anak-anak, ini bisa menjadi permainnan baru bagi mereka dan semua harus tahu untuk itu harus cari tahu.Pokoknya asyik deh! "

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nama-Nama anggota

Faisal Amir, Nico, Sugianto, Ayub Maulana, Firman Hadi, Soleh, Firus, Yoyo, Irmanto, Fauji, Ari hidayat, Tegar prayogi, Nurhuda, Andi, Agus, Reza, Desti, Aji, Surya, Herman, Mansur, Tri harsono, Kiki, Riski, Ade, Ardy, Rian, Ari fatullah, Maulana, Bagus, Rahman, Jaelani, saktiar, irwan, ayung, Andre, Ikhsan, danu, Iman, Iis, Wisnu, Regas, Saiful, Arman, Hendi, Jaya, Iwan Teo, nana, Komeng, lina, Ranu, Roni, Fatul, sapik, Opik, Wansai, Are, Ridwan, Jijing, Tato, Lukman, Alung, Ansori, Irpan, Wanto, Iyus, Ferdi, teguh, Sadi, Husen, husin, atip, suryo, badrul, Karim, hendra, sandy, Dede, Hasyim, ojan, Didi, Yamin, Adut, Saudin, Suraka, Mat sani, Darzi, Oldi, Akmal, Roby, Bongkeng, David, Anen, Topan, Warso, sanuji, Prayitno, slamet, Mamat, wawan, aby, Guntur, Ari uban, Iyos buana, ponco, Ilham, Rosit, Dindin, abdullah, Toto, Edi boneski, dan masih banyak lagi.

Salam olahraga !

Apa bila tubuh kita ingin selalu sehat dan terjaga dari sagala penyakit, mungkin salah satu kuncinya kita sudah ketahui bersama yaitu dengan kita berolahraga secara teratur akan membuat tubuh akan sehat dan terhindar dari segala penyakit. Tapi tahukah anda tentang olahraga Frisbee? Frisbee itu kalau istilah di Indonesianya yaitu piring terbang, tapi bukan piring yang terbang ketika kita melihat tetengga kiat sadang bertengkar. Namun piring terbang disini adalah salah satu jenis olah raga yang sangat menarik dan menggairahkan, dikarenakan di 1 team perempuan dan laki-laki menjadi satu merebutkan piring dengan cara bekerjasama hingga sampai di garis lawan dan mendapatkan poin satu. Olah raga ini sangat menjunjung nilai sportifitas yang sangat tinggi, sebab olahraga ini tidak ada wasit melainkan kesadaran dari para pemainnya itu sendiri. Bermain olahraga Frisbe pasti membuat anda tidak jemu dan semakin asyik bahkan tidak akan meninggalkan permainan, untuk itu selamat bermain, selamat belajar, selamat mencoba. Semangat !...semangat!..

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Handing over

As I live in Timor Leste now there's not a heck of a lot I can do for Klub Frisbee Jakarta anymore. Ardy's still working hard though.

He's got a job with the Jakarta Bintangs to promote Aussie rules footy to kids in and around Jakarta, but still uses frisbee as a teaching aid in other schools he visits and plays now and then with Discindo and the kids at the schools that we gave frisbees.

He's also learning how to use the internet and now has an email address and even a blog at so hopefully we'll see some updates soon.

It's been a hell of a ride and I've learnt a lot (hopefully some other people have too), but it's time for me to move on.



Friday, May 04, 2007

Back to it

Hey again,

Sorry for the lack of action here in cyberspace, but, let me assure you, things never stop moving in Klub Frisbee Jakarta-land. We now have a modest clubhouse all decked out in frisbee propaganda set up in Kampung Melayu, Ardy has set up a jagung bakar (barbequed corn) stand and a nasi goreng (fried rice) stall to bring in some cash, Ardy and Soleh came to Bali to see what an international tournament is like, pick-up started again last Sunday, we've got our first visit to a university tomorrow, Ardy wants to set up a community micro-credit program based on handshake agreements, and I need to find time to write about it all!

So, plenty on our plate. Updates soon.

The final reckoning

Hi there,

First of all, my sincerest apologies for delaying this reconciliation for so long. I've had rather a lot on my plate, I suppose this is the sort of service you get when you donate to volunteers...

First off, some facts and figures. I received Rp. 5,030,000 (just over US$ 500) in cash donations for this effort and a lot more in in-kind donations (detailed below), most of which was used for emergency food and medical supplies. As I hinted at in earlier posts, our contact with Muslim Aid really came through with over Rp. 100 million in in-kind donations to help in the cleaning and reconstruction of the neighbourhood, especially the local school.

As you've seen from the previous updates (and as you will see from a few more coming soon) the neigbourhood is looking pretty good, Muslim Aid gave a whole lot of materials and the people reconstructed the collapsed section of the school roof, and while everything still has a bit of a brown tinge, it's all getting back to normal. Thanks again to everyone who donated, and, again, my apologies for taking so long to put up this reconciliation.

M. Armaly200,000
J. Boomgard115,000
C. Bouchard100,000
S. Burningham1,000,000
A. Day500,000
J. Holdaway415,000
T. McCauley300,000
E. Pieroelie500,000
S. Robinson750,000
J. Rodgers200,000
C. Wikarsa500,000
Emergency food aid1,300,000
Medical Supplies1,180,000

In addition to the cash donations we had quite a few people come through with in-kind donations. Clothes from B. Tillotson, M. Soemarjono, Arlan, T. Anderton (plus some notebooks and medical supplies); and indomie and frutang from E. Juliantini. Also special thanks to T. Brunskill and the Jakarta Bintangs Australian Football Club for coming all the way out to Kampung Melayu to take photos and bring some substantial amounts of food, clothes, medical supplies, water and goodwill to the flood victims.

The shoes and books were bought a few weeks after the floods when it looked like Muslim Aid had all of the emergency aid under control. Ardy got a great deal with the shoes and managed to get 50 pairs direct from the factory for Rp. 1.3 million to hand out to kids around the neighbourhood to protect their feet. The books I bought were English textbooks, but there will be a much more comprehensive post about that.

Until then...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Logos for printing badges

We're printing some badges and stickers at the moment and Ardy needs the Discindo logo... Here you go.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Flooded again...

The Klub Frisbee Jakarta / Sanggar Alam Kita POSKO

I was watching a movie on Saturday night and got an sms from Ardy that the floodwaters had risen over a metre again. I was surprised because we'd been having heavy rain for days and it didn't seem to have much of an effect... The rain on Saturday, while heavy, seemed comparatively short. I got some more donations of noodles and Frutang from Tini, notepads from Trish, clothes from Arlan and a huge box of clothes from Barb so I figured I should probably head out and check it out while bringing out the donations.

Here's some video footage I took while I was out there.

TNI helping out

Back to the school

More school footage

Computer room at the school

Interview with Pak Eddy

Practical uses for floodwaters...

The kids were trying to convince me to sit on a piece of styrofoam and have a tour of the flooded area...

I felt a little bad having so many people pushing me around, but they didn't seem to mind the water at all... When Uji started spraying it out of his mouth I began to get a little worried though...

The Klub Frisbee Jakarta / Sanggar Alam Kita clubhouse which is actually housing a lot of the displaced kids and their families at the moment. It flooded on Saturday night, but the water receded again soon enough.

An interview with Calo, Aming's older brother. Every time I have visited I have seen Calo breaking his back to help people; whether it be going out in a rubber boat to rescue families, shoveling out mud or manning a hose.

Dropping by RT 12 behind the mosque.

Some more footage of RT 12.

They claimed that the water that they were using to bathe and wash their clothes was from the river... I hope that they were wrong, or at least that it was filtered in some way. It did look cleaner.

Going home.