What's Going On?
Some of you may be wondering what has been going on with KFJ since the tournament. And fair enough, it was in August...
Well, while there has been all sorts of administrative stuff going on (the details of which I won't bore you with until we have completed them) the fasting month of Lebaran put a bit of a hole in our actual disc playing a clinic-running, but we're back up now.
From now on, every Saturday morning we will be running a clinic or two at different schools around Jakarta (last week was only one school because making it to the first one meant I would have had to get out of bed at 6am). For photos of our trip to Sekolah Al-Karomiah last week, see the next post which will follow shortly.
So exciting that I can't believe I waited until the fourth paragraph to write about it is the fact that we now have a field! It's, um, a little far for those of us who live in South Jakarta, but it's perfect for the kids. For more info, see the post about the fields which will follow the post about Al-Karomiah shortly.
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